A well written PRD is one of the most concrete ways you can crystallize your work and provide value for your team.
A data product manager (DPM) is a type of PM who specializes in managing products that are heavily reliant on data.
A product owner sets the direction, keeps the team focused, and ensures that the product becomes a source of value.
By prioritizing brand equity as a key driver of success, you can build enduring relationships with your customers.
By ensuring you have a customer success strategy in place, your product is well on its way to being a hit.
A pivot helps organizations (established or start-ups) to seek better growth opportunities and respond swiftly to market feedback.
Joseph D. Novak introduced concept mapping during the 1970s to visualize the evolving scientific understanding of students.
Success metrics are measurable parameters used to measure progress, effectiveness, and ultimately, success.
The V2MOM framework encourages continuous communication and updates, making it a dynamic tool for managing progress towards goals.
The core of PLG relies on reducing time to value and relentlessly improving the user experience by creating multiple a-ha moments.
A customer profile is a document that outlines the ideal customers of a business-to-business (B2B) company.
A customer acquisition strategy is a set of processes and tactics that aim to bring traffic to your product.