Minimums allow for lower costs, increased agility, and the ability to collect feedback before too much investment has been made.
The Minto Pyramid has you start with the conclusion, before working through more detailed, supporting arguments, and further information.
Core values provide all individuals within an organization a framework to make their own decisions on a day-to-day basis.
This position mentors junior product managers, conducts market research, and monitors product performance.
Augmented products leverage technology and additional services to provide enhanced functionality, convenience, and value to users.
You can use agile estimation techniques to paint a picture of what the future looks like for stakeholders.
Workplaces have tried to move away from layers and layers of hierarchy, with managers managing managers in a seemingly never-ending pyramid.
Extrinsic motivation is driven by external rewards, as opposed to intrinsic motivation which is driven from within.
Survivorship bias occurs when you focus on the survivors or successes while neglecting the failures or those who did not make it.
Following up with meeting minutes ensures alignment with stated values and holds individuals accountable for what was discussed.
A workback schedule involves creating a timeline in reverse, starting with the project completion date and working your way back through.
6 9s is the delivery of availability at a rate of 99.9999 percent, which is the equivalent of no more than 31.5 seconds of unavailability.