The Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter is a tool used to determine the range of prices your users would deem acceptable for your product.
The cost of revenue refers to the costs accrued to generate revenue and usually comes from either cost-to-serve or cost of acquisition.
Psychographic segmentation is a technique where segments are defined based on psychological traits that influence product adoption.
ASO includes both how highly the app ranks for direct search results, as well as how discoverable your application is.
Regression analysis is a method of analysis that helps you understand the relationship between a set of data points and an outcome.
A brand extension is an independent brand that’s separate from the main brand and any other brand extensions.
Conjoint analysis is a statistical method often used to conduct market research and evaluate how customers value different product attributes.
Product-market fit allows you to provide immediate value to users who are seeking a solution for a problem that they’re experiencing.
Effective market segmentation ensures that products are highly personalized and tailored for specific customer segments.
Market opportunity analysis is the pivotal first step in crafting both a company’s initial strategy and its product strategy.
The optimal pricing model is when the price increases or decreases corresponding to the value the user receives from the product.
A monetization model shows how you capture value from your customers and what tradeoffs you make while doing so.