into your React Native appLearn how to keep your users’ screens active without draining power using React Native’s KeepAwake functions.
Explore React Native Reanimated core features, changes in v2 and v3, and how to use this library to create smooth transitions and animations.
Emmet helps you write HTML and CSS faster by using simple abbreviations that are then converted into code blocks. However, Emmet is not enabled for React in VS Code by default.
Making your React apps available in several languages is essential. Follow along to learn how to translate your React apps with Format.js.
react-snap is a third-party library that pre-renders a web application into static HTML, offering improvements to loading speed and SEO.
Use Solito to easily transition your React Native app into a Next.js site and vice versa without sacrificing the native navigation experience.
A dropdown menu consists of four basic components: the header wrapping, header title, list wrapping, and list items.
Build an adaptive, accessible UI library with React Aria that invests in an inclusive user experience.
View the recording Thanks for joining us! Relevant links from the talk: Maximizing React speed: Hands-on guide to debugging and […]
The ClojureScript re-frame library lets us use React’s lifecycle methods to monitor and manage your application at various phases.
In this article, we learned how to implement dark mode in a React application and its top considerations.
Create React App is a great tool for quickly getting up and running on new React projects. Let’s learn how to use it.