Understanding the order of magnitude is a key skill in product management so that you know where to prioritize development efforts.
Strategic plans can take many forms, but their common goal is to provide a north star, inspiring your team and intriguing investors
6 9s is the delivery of availability at a rate of 99.9999 percent, which is the equivalent of no more than 31.5 seconds of unavailability.
Timeboxing is a technique that involves assigning a fixed amount of time to a specific task and then completing it within that time frame.
Sales requests are a critical source of information and it’s dangerous to shut down requests because they don’t align with product strategy.
A needs assessment is a systematic process used to identify, analyze, and evaluate gaps between the current and desired situation.
The customer experience entails the holistic experience that a user has with your product, until they solve their specific use case.
Over the last decade, I’ve had the chance to be a product manager in different organizations, from start-ups to well-established companies.
Product strategy is the bridge between vision and execution. It clearly states the key bets you’re making.
Affinity mapping is the process of organizing qualitative data into groups in order to make more sense of it.
Short-term goals are the goals you plan to achieve within three months. The term plans may differ according to company or product strategies.
Outcomes are not built equal. There are various types of outcomes and the word outcome might even mean different things in different contexts.