Learn how to use Fibonacci story points for Agile estimation, avoid pitfalls, and explore alternatives like T-shirt sizing and #NoEstimates.
Companies don’t agree on the definition of a product manager. However, the essence remains to drive value for customers and the business.
Try supporting NPS with CES, which helps you uncover where customers struggle, and CSAT, which focuses on product satisfaction.
Gherkin, combined with behavior-driven development, are powerful. They provide guidance and clarity while reducing confusion.
Keep the lights on refers to everything that comes between your product and your customers receiving its promised value.
Pilot testing as a PM can help you gather real user insights, de-risk ideas, adapt quicker, and avoid expensive mistakes.
Product principles help you simplify decision-making by enabling alignment without the need for lengthy discussions.
AI amplifies your potential when you use it as a co-pilot. However, don’t forget you’re the driver, not the passenger.
Use this product discovery checklist within your product team to ensure your products align with your users.
Code rarely starts perfect, so it needs to evolve according to the value it creates for your customers and business.
Delivering solutions is easy; creating valuable solutions is hard. Product discovery means uncovering what creates value, whereas product delivery is about producing what creates value.
Instead of making an entire upfront investment, the pilot project aims to test something on a reduced scale to assess whether it works.