JavaScript keyed collections are structured collections of data that store values and provide methods for easily accessing them. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at maps and sets and examine their syntax, how they differ from objects and arrays, and what methods they offer.
In this article, we’ll take a tour of the Cache API and discuss its usefulness to the development of progressive web applications.
There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to securing your applications. Learn how to secure your React application with Magic Links.
My blog was written in Gatsby, but recently I migrated it to Next.js. Learn more about what went well and what didn’t.
GraphQL’s biggest advantage over REST is that it solves the issue of overfetching data — so long as you have properly designed resolvers.
Learn how to avoid heuristic queries in GraphQL and get your queries to work accurately with unions in your schema.
Dapr is an event-driven, portable runtime that aims to simplify building microservice applications for developers.
Microsoft’s new Blazor framework leverages Wasm to let you write your web frontend in C# — no JS required.
The Vue-Multiselect library can make our lives much easier when creating dropdowns in Vue.
Learn how GraphQL enums can help you build more robust and discoverable APIs, create simple interfaces, maintain slim resolvers, and more.
In this article, we’ll take a look at atomic CSS-in-JS libraries and utility-first CSS frameworks, how they compare to each other, their shortcomings, and some projects using both concepts.
Learn how to use Dgraph with GraphQL to create a CRUD that generates scaffolding methods for each one of the queries and mutations.