Chinwike Maduabuchi Software engineer who loves to write. Find me at

Stories by Chinwike Maduabuchi

Handling User Authentication With Redux Toolkit

Handling user authentication with Redux Toolkit


We’ll learn how to use Redux Toolkit (RTK) to create a frontend authentication workflow and user authentication in React.

Chinwike Maduabuchi
Jun 14, 2024 ⋅ 20 min read
A Guide To Data Visualization

A guide to data visualization

UX Design

When creating data visualizations, you want to ensure clarity and accessibility — bonus points if the format allows for interactivity too.

Chinwike Maduabuchi
Jun 5, 2024 ⋅ 8 min read
Streamline Email Creation With React Email

Streamline email creation with React Email


Explore React Email’s features and styling options and show how to integrate with Nodemailer to send emails directly from a Next.js app.

Chinwike Maduabuchi
Mar 29, 2024 ⋅ 13 min read
Getting Started With NativeWind: Tailwind For React Native

Getting started with NativeWind: Tailwind for React Native


Explore the integration of Tailwind CSS with React Native through NativeWind for responsive mobile design.

Chinwike Maduabuchi
Mar 15, 2024 ⋅ 11 min read

Create a responsive navbar with React and CSS


Create an intuitive navigation experience with responsive navbars using CSS and React Hooks.

Chinwike Maduabuchi
Feb 1, 2024 ⋅ 9 min read
Shadows UI Design

Shadows in UI design: Tips and best practices

UX Design

Here’s an in-depth look at shadows, some techniques for executing them, and how to create them in Figma — with plugins.

Chinwike Maduabuchi
Jan 3, 2024 ⋅ 5 min read
Figma Logo

Creating Figma prototypes with interactions and animations

UX Design

Figma’s prototyping feature offers a range of tools to make the prototyping process smooth. Here’s how to create prototypes in Figma.

Chinwike Maduabuchi
Nov 20, 2023 ⋅ 11 min read
What You Need To Know About React Server Components

React Server Components: A comprehensive guide


Explore the impact of React Server Components on performance and bundle size and learn how they compare to traditional React components.

Chinwike Maduabuchi
Nov 2, 2023 ⋅ 7 min read
Checkout Window

Designing a seamless checkout flow: Definition, best practices, case studies

UX Design

Checkout is the final hurdle to overcome for customers. Here are some best practices to ensure they can clear it seamlessly.

Chinwike Maduabuchi
Sep 26, 2023 ⋅ 10 min read
React Server Components in Next.js 13

React Server Components in Next.js 13


Use React Server Components to effectively manage rendering and build apps that span the server and client.

Chinwike Maduabuchi
Aug 10, 2023 ⋅ 8 min read
Applying Constraints to Figma Layouts for Resizing

Applying constraints to Figma layouts for resizing

UX Design

Figma constraints allow designers to control the position and size of any layer, across multiple screen sizes, relative to its parent frame.

Chinwike Maduabuchi
May 5, 2023 ⋅ 6 min read
Storefront on Monitor and 3 Floppy Disks Next to It

Search filter principles for better UX

UX Design

Let’s examine examples of poorly implemented search filters and highlight some tips you can use to produce a satisfying filtering experience.

Chinwike Maduabuchi
Jan 26, 2023 ⋅ 4 min read