Strategic plans can take many forms, but their common goal is to provide a north star, inspiring your team and intriguing investors
Compare class-based, class-light, and classless CSS frameworks in this comprehensive post covering ten frameworks with demos and examples.
AI is accelerating every step of design. Discover how you can use it to create and test prototypes faster than ever.
Sales requests are a critical source of information and it’s dangerous to shut down requests because they don’t align with product strategy.
We discuss function overloading in TypeScript and investigate how (and in what scenario) )we can most effectively implement it.
and getStaticProps
Compare the `getInitialProps`, `getServerSideProps`, and `getStaticProps` data fetching methods, and how they work for server-side rendering and static site generation.
A lot has changed about programming since the CSS lobotomized owl selector was introduced in 2014. Learn to use it in a modern context here.
Compare schema validation libraries, Zod and Yup, in terms of validating common data patterns such as primitives, objects, and arrays.
Check out the top zero-runtime CSS-in-JS libraries, including vanilla-extract, Linaria, and Astroturf to improve your styling.
A one-pager is a great way to align the various departments in your business and ensure that your products have the support they need to be successful.
Considering recognition and recall can help in designing good digital products, influencing everything from speed to cognitive load and more.
Explore end-to-end type safety using Next.js, Prisma, and GraphQL by building a wishlist application that allows a user to bookmark items from the internet.