Analogous color schemes offer a powerful way to guide user emotions and behavior. This guide shows you how to make colors do the good work of improving UX.
The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) is a theory that describes how people process information and its impact on their attitudes.
Learn to deliver a UX portfolio presentation that keeps your audience engaged while explaining your design process clearly and concisely.
Let’s cover essential GUI design principles, like consistency, simplicity, and feedback, and explore how you can apply them to your designs.
As an interface design tool, Figma offers a range of blend modes for designers to apply to their layers and fills.
Explore a few different types of UI animations, how they differ from motion graphics, some principles of animation to follow, and more.
Understanding how innovation diffuses can help you predict market behavior and prepare for outcomes when looking to introduce a new product.
Discover the differences between symmetrical and asymmetrical balance and their importance in the world of web design.
Let’s talk about the purpose of a one-on-one meeting, what makes a successful one, and strategies to plan and run one effectively.
Here’s a look at the elements of a dropdown menu, its different variations, and the steps to design a dropdown menu in Figma.
Validating and verifying your designs can spare you from having to rehaul them down the road. Here’s why and how to conduct these processes.
Enterprise design thinking aims to align teams around a common goal and support them in working more efficiently while keeping their work centered around people.