Design for Six Sigma is a product design methodology built off of Six Sigma with a focus on quality and reliability.
Buyer persona interviews provide valuable insights — assuming you time them right. Learn to find the right length for your interviews.
Customer validation is the step in a customer development process where you validate your solutions against customer needs and expectations.
Pilot testing as a PM can help you gather real user insights, de-risk ideas, adapt quicker, and avoid expensive mistakes.
MMPs are a key step in successful new product launches, as they go beyond the user to assess the market and help ensure commercial success.
Product principles help you simplify decision-making by enabling alignment without the need for lengthy discussions.
In this guide, we’ll cover local and global maxima, two mathematical concepts that can help you better understand your product.
Subscriber acquisition cost (SAC) refers to the total expense incurred by the business to acquire a new customer or subscriber.
Although we did a good job moving people to the checkout page, we had problems converting checkout visitors to paying customers.
What exactly is founder mode, and is it really better than manager mode? Let’s discuss what this phenomenon could mean for the PM world.
Chaos engineering is the practice of deliberately introducing failures into a system to test its resilience and identify hidden weaknesses.
A great value proposition might entice a user in the beginning, but you still need a way to maintain their loyalty for years to come.