For PMs, all decisions are not created equal. Understanding the difference between type 1 and type 2 decisions helps you balance the compulsion to keep things moving with the need to step back and examine the process.
Data may be collected in different places, but it’s ultimately piped into one place where multiple tools and teams can access it. This is a single source of truth.
The free trial is one of the most potent tactics for product-led growth. Explore 8 proven tactics to help you improve your conversion rate and get more paying subscribers by revamping the free trial experience.
While it’s true that our business-facing teams often lead the charge in building brand loyalty, we as product managers play a crucial role in this process too.
Understanding, identifying, and testing product assumptions is a cornerstone of product development. To some extent, it’s the primary responsibility of a product manager to handle assumptions and drive product outcomes.
Engaging with the B2B2C model is a strategic decision that can accelerate your company’s growth while fostering lasting relationships with customers.
Product management is the process of overseeing and guiding the development, launch, and growth of products, ensuring that they align with user needs and business objectives.
A differentiation strategy is an effort to put your product (or service) in a unique market position that gives you an edge over competitors.
An SME can provide guidance and valuable insights from discovery through launch and help ensure you’re making the right decisions.
A data-driven insight generation loop is a process that maximizes your chances of finding relevant insights from data.
Perceived value is the worth, or benefit, that a customer believes they will receive from a product, depending on their individual needs.
Competitive advantage can only be created with strategic management. As PMs, we identify the differentiator points and amplify them to create a competitive advantage.