Next.js zones allow different developer teams to build and deploy parts of an app individually, then merge them into a single application.
Next.js recently released one of its much-awaited major versions (version 10) and there are a lot of exciting features to try.
Both Umi and Next.js support routing and server-side rendering, as well as TypeScript, out of the box. Here’s how the frameworks compare.
Mock Service Worker is an API mocking library that uses the Service Worker API to intercept actual requests.
Learn how to handle data fetching, build APIs, manage the content of those APIs, validate roles and permissions, and more with Next.js and Strapi.
Now is a good time to start using Next.js and unlock the power of server-side rendered applications.
My blog was written in Gatsby, but recently I migrated it to Next.js. Learn more about what went well and what didn’t.
Learn how to use API routes to set up a GraphQL API within a Next.js app.
If you haven’t been keeping up with the static websites hype train, I’d say you’re reading this at just the […]
Learn how to conduct authentication and authorization using Hasura and how to leverage GraphQL to fetch and write data from a Next.js frontend application.
Initially a community project, the Next.js team recently took over maintenance of Create Next App and added a number of new features.
The latest version of the Next.js framework, Next.js 9.2, features built-in CSS support for global stylesheets, improved code splitting capabilities, and more.