Cross-selling is the process of introducing complementary products or services that add additional value to a current sale or post sale.
By mastering cross-selling techniques you can build long-term customer relationships and increase your customer lifetime value (CLV).
A happy customer is an enthusiastic advocate for your brand, a loyal repeat customer, and a source of positive word-of-mouth.
You could say that a landing page is the modern equivalent of flyers, but not limited to their static, limited form.
In short, acceptance criteria serve as a checklist for determining whether a given ticket or user story has been fully delivered.
The job of the product is to get that first win to establish trust and then create a loop with nudges for further engagement.
Customer behavior analysis (CBA) is the study of how individual customers, groups, or segments act when interacting with your product.
Customer sentiment is about understanding the customer. It delves into why customers behave the way they do and what matters to them.
Improving your customer experience enhances customer satisfaction and boosts business growth and customer retention.
Consumer behavior is complex, but you can break down key elements or levers to give you insights.
The digital marketing funnel is a visual representation of the customer’s journey as it moves through online channels.
By prioritizing brand equity as a key driver of success, you can build enduring relationships with your customers.