Use the Detox framework to implement end-to-end tests in React Native applications, optimize Detox tests for large-scale applications, and troubleshoot common issues.
There are several CSS-in-JS libraries out there today. In this article, we will explore how to use styled-components in React.
react-virtualized and react-window are two libraries that calculate which items need to be added to the DOM, through the process of list virtualization.
React Hook Form is one of the most popular libraries for handling form inputs. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use it with Material UI.
in React Native to scale imagesLet’s explore the different resizeMode
property values in React Native and how to use them effectively in a project.
This guide examines the core concepts, differences, features, and benefits of two frontend frameworks: Lit and React.
The react-native-blob-util
and react-native-fs
packages allow us to access and manage the file systems of our devices.
is a complete and customizable library for creating more maintainable type-safe forms in React while avoiding boilerplate code.
Build a full-stack TypeScript app using tRPC that will be type-safe when it comes to the code, and compare tRPC to RPC, REST, and GraphQL.
The updated Pointer Events API presents new opportunities for creating interactive apps with React Native. Learn more about it in this post.
Improve developer experience (DX) by learning to create your own React code editor and syntax highlighter, and comparing it to Prism.js and Highlight.js.
Use React Native and the MapView component to render a Google map with customizable markers, floating buttons, and more.