Once you choose your preferred deployment method and meet the requirements, you can typically deploy your app to Netlify in under 60 seconds.
When optimizing the performance of large lists of data in React, what is better: windowing or component recycling?
One of Next.js’ strong points is that it handles server-side rendering excellently, and it integrates with Express just as well.
This guide demonstrates how to set up a simple build, test, and deploy workflow in OneDev for a React web app.
Learn how you can build chrome extensions efficiently and simply using the React framework Plasmo.
In this React Transition Group tutorial, learn how to use the CSSTransition and TransitionGroup components in your React app to improve UX.
Mantine, a React component library, has created a collection of custom Hooks to handle various tasks. Let’s take a look at my favorite five.
In this article, we will explore how to use a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS library called Linaria in React applications.
Catch bugs in your code before your React app is live by performing end-to-end testing with Jest and Puppeteer.
In React, a custom Hook is a function that starts with the word “use” and may call other Hooks.
With the introduction of custom Hooks in React, developers can stop using render props.
Explore the use cases, syntax, and a few code examples of three underrated React Hooks, useImperativeHandle, useLayoutEffect, and useDebugValue.