Customer discovery helps you ensure you’re focused and prioritizing the right problem for the right customer before development.
Open-ended questions are queries that go beyond receiving a simple “yes” or “no” answer by requiring respondents to expand on their answers.
Survivorship bias occurs when you focus on the survivors or successes while neglecting the failures or those who did not make it.
I’ve worked on products that were extremely successful, as well as ones that failed. The successful ones had clear answers to five questions.
Revenue relates to the overall income the company manages to create, while profit refers to what’s left over after covering all costs.
Brand recognition refers to the extent consumers can identify and recognize a brand with its associated products and services.
An established PM doesn’t just look at features and optimizations, but develops and iterates on the whole product strategy.
VRIO stands for value, rarity, imitability, and organization and is used as a framework to determine sustained competitive advantage.
A bandwagon effect is when people adopt the attitudes and behaviors of other people just because it’s popular to do so.
The BCG matrix is a simple way of categorizing your products to understand their growth potential and market share position.
Product marketing helps you determine the goals and go-to-market strategy of your product and helps you better adapt to market shifts.
By understanding what your competitive landscape is doing, you can figure out what unique wedge you can leverage to capture your market.