react-snap is a third-party library that pre-renders a web application into static HTML, offering improvements to loading speed and SEO.
Some developers prefer the stability and more universal character of Sass over the novelty of styled-components. But if you’re willing to climb the steeper learning curve, styled-components offers more in the way of reusability and customization.
A dropdown menu consists of four basic components: the header wrapping, header title, list wrapping, and list items.
Build an adaptive, accessible UI library with React Aria that invests in an inclusive user experience.
The ClojureScript re-frame library lets us use React’s lifecycle methods to monitor and manage your application at various phases.
In this article, we learned how to implement dark mode in a React application and its top considerations.
Create React App is a great tool for quickly getting up and running on new React projects. Let’s learn how to use it.
Use the React Context API to avoid prop drilling by passing data through our component trees and allowing our components to share data at different levels.
Compare Enzyme and react-testing-library, the two most popular libraries for testing React components, and learn how to migrate between them.
ClojureScript, which compiles Clojure to JavaScript, is a natural fit for web development, particularly with React via a library called Reagent.
Use react-pro-sidebar in your React app to create a sidebar with multilevel functionality and customized with MUI icons.
React Router is a great tool, however, with the arrival of Hooks, a lot of things have changed. React Hooks offer a cleaner and more flexible way of handling routes in smaller projects.