Explore the route handling features in Next.js v13.2, demo how to use it, and compare it to the previous routing system.
Here’s a look at how to use Next.js and Famer Motion to apply subtle, elegant page transitions that add personality and style to your site.
We compare four popular testing tools for Next.js in this article: Playwright, Cypress, Jest, React Testing Library, and Vitest.
We investigate using Nx to develop microservices and show how to use Nx to create multiple Next.js apps within a monorepo.
Learn how to use Lucia, a new authentication library, to implement password-based auth in Next.js in this detailed, step-by-step tutorial.
We evaluate Eleventy and Next.js and compare both static site generators in terms of performance, developer experience, scalability, and ecosystem.
Learn how you can use TanStack Query for data handling and state management in applications built with Next.js 13.
Explore how to optimize static pages in Next.js using the Prisma database to enhance the speed and efficiency of your apps.
Next.js now provides cron job functionality along with a dashboard to manage them. Learn how they work, what their limitations are, and more.
When combined, MUI and Next.js simplify building performant applications and ensuring fast server-side rendering.
Efficiency and productivity are critical in modern web development. That’s why Next.js introduced the Hot Module Replacement (HMR) mechanism, more […]
We examine strategies to optimize the build performance of your Next.js app for a faster and more responsive user experience.