Tag: graphql

Integrating GraphQL In A Blazor Application

Integrating GraphQL in a Blazor application


GraphQL is quickly becoming the default API choice for developers. Learn how to integrate a GraphQL API into a Blazor application.

Nwani Victory
Aug 12, 2021 ⋅ 9 min read

Build a profanity filter API with GraphQL


Learn how to detect and censor profanity with an API built with GraphQL and Python to keep your apps appropriate and safe.

Solomon Esenyi
Aug 5, 2021 ⋅ 4 min read

Integrate GraphQL into Python using Ariadne


In this article, learn how to use Ariadne, a Python library that helps you create a GraphQL API without the extra weight.

Jaden Baptista
Aug 4, 2021 ⋅ 7 min read
improve microservice architecture graphql api gateways feature image

Improving microservice architecture with GraphQL API gateways


Learn to use GraphQL API gateways with a single-defined schema to improve microservice architecture and future development.

Alec Brunelle
Aug 3, 2021 ⋅ 4 min read
Build a GraphQL and React App with TypeScript

Build a GraphQL + React app with TypeScript


Build a fully functioning React app using the SpaceX GraphQL API with TypeScript. This tutorial will walk you through each step.

Trey Huffine
Jul 29, 2021 ⋅ 11 min read
Securing GraphQL API Using Rate Limits And Depth Limits

Securing GraphQL API endpoints using rate limits and depth limits


See how to secure your GraphQL API endpoints to prevent API spam and query attacks with rate and depth limiting.

Kumar Abhirup
Jul 15, 2021 ⋅ 6 min read
Five Graphql Clients Javascript Nodejs

5 GraphQL clients for JavaScript and Node.js


Compare graphql-request, Apollo Client, urql, Relay, and graphql-hooks in terms of functionality, community support, and size.

Chisimdiri Ejinkeonye
Jun 30, 2021 ⋅ 4 min read
Designing a URL-based query syntax for GraphQL

Designing a URL-based query syntax for GraphQL


See how to design a single-line URL-based query syntax for GraphQL servers that is simple to read and write.

Leonardo Losoviz
Jun 14, 2021 ⋅ 13 min read
GraphQL Logo

Simplify GraphQL requests with React Query, GraphQL Code Generator, and TypeScript


Take advantage of GraphQL on the frontend by automating the creation of TypeScript types and the generation of custom React Query hooks using GraphQL Code Generator.

Iva Kop
Apr 19, 2021 ⋅ 3 min read
CRUD With React and GraphQL: A Complete Tutorial With Examples

CRUD with React and GraphQL: A complete tutorial with examples


GraphQL simplifies CRUD by abstracting requests to a single endpoint.

Avanthika Meenakshi
Apr 16, 2021 ⋅ 7 min read
HTTP Caching in GraphQL

HTTP caching in GraphQL


GraphQL’s lack of support for server-side caching is a well-known disadvantage. But there are indeed ways to use HTTP caching with GraphQL.

Leonardo Losoviz
Apr 13, 2021 ⋅ 6 min read
Relay Logo

What’s new in Relay v11


Learn what’s new in the latest version of Relay right here, where we explore v11 and how to create reliable React and GraphQL applications.

Leonardo Maldonado
Mar 25, 2021 ⋅ 5 min read