We review four React Native splash screen libraries that can be used to set or generate splash screens for Android or iOS apps.
Discover the best Node.js job scheduler with this in-depth guide, including packages like Node-schedule, Cron, Bree, and Bottleneck.
Inheritance allows code reuse by inheriting properties and methods from a parent component. Composition, however, is simply a way to reuse code by composing smaller, reusable components and functions.
See how the two JavaScript compilers Babel and TypeScript compare through criteria such as performance, custom transformations, and more.
Learn how to configure Apache for a Node.js applications with Apache load balancing, caching, and reverse proxy.
We demonstrate how to build a React blog application and integrate Astro and Cloud Functions to make it more performant and scalable.
Build and deploy Node.js apps with Replit, an online text editor and IDE with powerful features for fast and collaborative development.
Compare the best CSS grid generators according to usability, interface, and provided templates.
Use Node.js native addons and the Foreign Function Interface to build high-performance Node.js applications using Rust.
Generating JSON Schema from TypeScript types can help prevent errors and improve security when transmitting complex data between applications.
We demonstrate how to build a simple CRUD application to demonstrate the effectiveness of SolidJS, a fast and performant framework.
BDD is a model where collaboration among the designers, builders, and testers is always at the forefront.