GSAP is a great choice for web animation library for those who prioritize speed, flexibility, and control.
The experimental features of Snowpack’s previous build are now official in v3 and are ready to be used in production. Check them out here.
Amplify and AWS integrations easily communicate with the backend for video on demand services, allowing you to scaffold projects with minimal cost and effort.
Build a real-time app with Django Channels, a feature that facilitates support in WebSockets and allows an open connection between client and server.
Laravel Livewire’s full stack-framework connects the backend and frontend by allowing real-time interactivity with minimal JavaScript.
Learn how to deploy frontend applications to Surge with Git hooks and Travis CI, a tool for continuous integration and deployment.
Learn to build your first mobile app with Fuse Open and the Fuse ecosystem, which is easy to learn, fun to code, and incredibly powerful.
Explore common data visualization libraries including: Highcharts, Toast UI Chart, D3.js, Recharts, and Chart.js to determine which will best improve the functionality of your project.
WMR is an all-in-one development tool for modern web apps built by the Preact team. Learn more about WMR’s features and how to build an example app with it.
RTK Query is an experimental Redux library that delivers a simple and efficient solution for data fetching and caching.
With HttpInterceptor in Angular, you can drastically reduce the amount of code required to implement HTTP caching.
Amplify, a newer command line interface, takes care of everything from pumping up CI/CD to managing user content, so developers can focus on code.