Mario Zupan I'm a self-employed Software Engineer and Trainer living in Vienna, Austria. I've worked at several companies and in multiple fields building, maintaining and operating distributed systems at scale using Java, Kotlin, Node, Go and Rust. I also taught advanced software engineering courses for several years at the University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum in Graz and worked as a technical trainer, empowering other software engineers to reach their full potential. Currently, I work as a freelance software engineer and trainer again, looking to help companies build high-quality software solutions. Check out my personal blog:

Stories by Mario Zupan

Understanding Cross Platform Graphics In Rust With Wgpu

Leverage Rust and wgpu for effective cross-platform graphics


Use Rust with wgpu to work directly with the new WebGPU standard for better control, cross-platform performance, and bug handling.

Mario Zupan
May 28, 2024 ⋅ 36 min read
Understanding String And &str In Rust

Understanding String and &str in Rust


Explore the differences between the Rust String and Str string types, looking at how they each impact your Rust coding practices.

Mario Zupan
Mar 26, 2024 ⋅ 12 min read
Using CRDTs To Build Collaborative Rust Web Applications

Using CRDTs to build collaborative Rust web applications


CRDTs, or conflict-free replicated data types, is a concept that underlies applications facing the issue of data replication across a […]

Mario Zupan
Feb 23, 2024 ⋅ 15 min read
Build A Full-stack TypeScript App Using TRPC And React

Build a full-stack TypeScript app using tRPC and React


Build a full-stack TypeScript app using tRPC that will be type-safe when it comes to the code, and compare tRPC to RPC, REST, and GraphQL.

Mario Zupan
May 26, 2023 ⋅ 17 min read
Writing Webpack Plugins Rust SWC Faster Builds

Writing webpack plugins in Rust using SWC for faster builds


We explore how to build custom SWC plugins using Rust and then use them in webpack-based projects to speed up our builds.

Mario Zupan
May 24, 2023 ⋅ 7 min read
How to Build a WebSocket Server With Rust

How to build a WebSocket server with Rust


This tutorial will demonstrate how to build a basic message relay service in Rust that clients can connect to via WebSockets.

Mario Zupan
Apr 25, 2023 ⋅ 11 min read
Create an Async CRUD Web Service in Rust With Warp

Create an async CRUD web service in Rust with warp


Learn how to create an asynchronous web app using warp and tokio-postgres and build a database-backed CRUD service with error handling — all in fewer than 300 lines of Rust code.

Mario Zupan
Apr 24, 2023 ⋅ 14 min read
Concurrent programming in Rust with Crossbeam

Concurrent programming in Rust with Crossbeam


Learn concurrent programming in Rust using Crossbeam, an epoch-based memory management API.

Mario Zupan
Dec 7, 2022 ⋅ 8 min read
Rust Fleet

Fleet: A build tool for improving Rust’s Cargo


Fleet has great potential, especially for developers who do not enjoy fussing around with build pipelines, or build processes in general.

Mario Zupan
Jul 21, 2022 ⋅ 5 min read
Configuring Vim For Rust Development

Configuring Vim for Rust development


Learn the basics of how to configure Vim for Rust development, plus get an in-depth look at using rust-analyzer.

Mario Zupan
May 27, 2022 ⋅ 7 min read
React Substrate Blockchain

Substrate blockchain application with a custom React frontend


We’ll base our custom React frontend on the Substrate Frontend Template, forking it and customizing it by extending the template with some specific UI elements.

Mario Zupan
Mar 31, 2022 ⋅ 11 min read
How To Build A Custom Blockchain Implementation In Rust Using Substrate

How to build a custom blockchain implementation in Rust using Substrate


Learn how to implement a very basic, backend-based, custom blockchain application in Rust using Substrate.

Mario Zupan
Feb 14, 2022 ⋅ 12 min read