Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular frameworks for server-side development, but here are 11 powerful alternatives to try.
The experimental reactivue package allows you to take the best parts of the Vue Composition API and React Hooks and use them together.
In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to get started with one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for creating stunning 3D animations, Three.js.
Each one of these addons will guarantee you’re thoroughly testing your components and give you a constant feedback loop.
With Rector, we can write code with PHP 8.0 features and deploy it to an environment running lower versions.
Learn about state management, how to apply it in Alpine.js using Spruce, and how to access and modify a store’s state.
Learn how to implement permissions in GraphQL using three different methods: directives, middleware resolvers, and the GraphQL shield library.
Closures are a widely discussed topic in the world of functional programming, but they’re often defined loosely and in technical jargon. We’ll do our best here to explain how JavaScript closures work in layman’s terms.
Bundlers serve as a cornerstone technology for all modern web apps. We’ve benchmarked Rollup, Parcel.js, and webpack across multiple criteria.
Learn how you can use webpack to set up a Figma plugin project that establishes communication with a React-based UI.
This guide runs through some of the most popular browsers available today and assesses their privacy, extensions, and devtool offerings, among other features.
Learn about Markdown, how to build a Markdown plugin, and how Gatsby enables users to hook into and format Markdown files.