Inheritance allows code reuse by inheriting properties and methods from a parent component. Composition, however, is simply a way to reuse code by composing smaller, reusable components and functions.
vs. v-show
We explore conditional rendering in Vue using the v-if and v-show directives and consider distinctions between them.
File upload components tend to be more intuitive on the desktop, allowing you to drag and drop files into specific zones called drop zones.
The Vue.js event bus enables independent communication between components without passing through a central or parent component.
There are many options for Vue toast messages, and in this post, we cover three popular options for implementing them in your app.
Web accessibility is the practice of utilizing tools and technologies that make navigating, interacting with, and understanding a website easier for visitors who may have disabilities, impairments, or limitations.
Whether you’re building a simple web application or a complex enterprise application, implementing pagination can greatly enhance the user experience and improve your application’s performance.
We demonstrate how to create, customize, export, and add Lottie animations (including animated logos) to Vue 3 projects.
With the Vuetify grid system, we can easily build web applications that are both responsive and visually appealing on all devices.
In this post, we will learn about Vue Select, its features, how it works, and how to integrate it into a Vue.js application.
Find helpful examples and other highlights in this round-up of the best free icon libraries for Vue.js apps, even those with niche use cases.
This article will introduce you to using app.config.globalProperties in Vue.js to add custom properties and methods to the Vue instance.