A product wedge strategy is a smart way to enter a competitive market, focusing on solving one specific problem exceptionally well.
Learn how to use Fibonacci story points for Agile estimation, avoid pitfalls, and explore alternatives like T-shirt sizing and #NoEstimates.
A feasibility study template is a document that serves as a guide to evaluate whether a project or initiative is practical and worth pursuing.
A product teardown is a systematic dissection of a product to analyze its features, design decisions, user experience, and overall strategy.
AI-generated personas not only save time but also provide a more accurate, scalable, and dynamic representation of your users.
A product sense interview measures a candidate’s ability to understand users deeply, frame problems clearly, and generate creative solutions.
A competency matrix is a structured framework organizations use to evaluate, align, and map skills across different roles.
At its core, product lifecycle management (PLM) software is a tool designed to manage every aspect of a product’s lifecycle.
Scenario analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps you envision a range of possible future states and the forces behind them.
A fractional product manager (FPM) is a part-time, contract-based product manager who works with organizations on a flexible basis.
As a product manager, you express customer needs to your development teams so that you can work together to build the best possible solution.
Role-definition frameworks like RACI, RAPID, and RASIC take a structured approach to assigning roles and clarifying accountability.