Next.js is a popular React framework that uses server-side rendering (SSR) to build faster and SEO-friendly applications, resulting in a […]
Next.js is a React framework used for building full-stack web applications, supporting both server-side and client-side features. The server-side handles […]
Manage file uploads in your Next.js app using UploadThing, a file upload tool to be used in full-stack TypeScript applications.
Next.js 13 introduced some new features like support for Suspense, a React feature that lets you delay displaying a component until the children have finished loading.
Progress bars help create a smooth UX during page transitions in your Next.js app, informing users that their request is processing.
Auth.js, formerly known as NextAuth.js, offers a secure authentication solution that supports OAuth providers and passwordless sign-in methods.
Analyze your Next.js app bundles with the @next/bundle-analyzer package to identify areas for optimization, reduce your codebase, and improve performance.
In this article, we explore the different caching strategies in Next.js, focusing on the `unstable_cache` function.
Cookies are crucial to web development. This article will explore how to handle cookies in your Next.js applications.
Infinite scrolling in Next.js no longer requires external libraries — Server Actions let us fetch initial data directly on the server.
Integrate into Next.js to start a WebSocket connection and share information between the client and server in real time.
Waku is a new lightweight React framework built on top of React Server Components (RSCs). Let’s compare Waku with Next.js in this article.