A good hypothesis comes from a supposed solution to a specific product risk, but you also need to have measurable confidence.
Brian Tajo, Vice President, Group Product Manager at Elavon, discusses the soft skills that help product managers succeed in their roles.
A value proposition canvas is a great tool to utilize when creating a new feature, entering a new market, or testing product market fit.
Shift left is a methodology based on moving tasks, processes, and responsibilities to earlier in the development process.
Sai Vishnubhatla shares how his team is creating customized customer experiences in a highly regulated industry.
Intuit announced that it’s shutting down its popular budgeting app, Mint. Let’s look at some reasons why from a product management POV.
Product leader Roger Wigenstam breaks down his approach to customer, competitor and market research and opens up about a life-changing event.
A company’s product mix refers to its portfolio of product lines, services, and individual products available for purchase or subscription.
Adam Nicholson, VP of Product Management at AgileOne, discusses how he builds trust in his teams and with customers.
In this article, you will learn the difference between lagging and leading metrics and how you can use them to optimize your product.
A project timeline is a visual representation of the tasks, milestones, and deliverables involved in developing and delivering a product.
An operating model is the crossroad between strategy (why you do what you do) and process (how you do what you do).