Instead of making an entire upfront investment, the pilot project aims to test something on a reduced scale to assess whether it works.
Steve Shah talks about how problem-solution fit is taking the time to put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and understand their life.
Here’s a look at the elements of a dropdown menu, its different variations, and the steps to design a dropdown menu in Figma.
Eleventy (11ty) is a compelling solution for developers seeking a straightforward, performance-oriented approach to static site generation.
A well written PRD is one of the most concrete ways you can crystallize your work and provide value for your team.
Explore some CSS tools that offer the perfect blend of efficiency and flexibility when handling CSS, such as styled-components and Emotion.
Active listening is the act of listening to what someone is saying while observing their non-verbal cues, intonations, and intent.
RedwoodJS announced support for server-side rendering and RSCs in its Bighorn release. Explore this feature for when it’s production-ready.
A product specialist (PS) is a person with extensive knowledge about a specific product or product management-related responsibility.
Ben Hackett discusses the balance of revenue and core cultural values and how ruthless prioritization comes from first-principles thinking.
Implement typing animations in React using React Hooks and functions or by utilizing third-party animation libraries like Typed.js.
A design kickoff is the starting point. It’s about bringing people together, clarifying questions, aligning objectives, and more.