Hina Kharbey talks about how the roles of a mentor versus a coach differ, as well as the situations that work best for having each one.
User interviews are great — only if you don’t rush them. In this piece, I share how using debrief questions in research can help capture better insights and improve your interview process.
This guide provides a foundational understanding of Redux and why you should use it for state management in a React app.
Inertia.js enables you to build SPAs with a traditional backend framework and a modern JavaScript frontend with server-side routing.
Discover some of the best Node.js web scraping libraries, including Axios and Superagent, and techniques for how to use them.
The most common application of correlation and regression is predictive analytics, which you can use to make day-to-day decisions.
Data visualization tools let you turn raw numbers into visuals — so you have some guidance when making design choices. I talk more on this in today’s blog.
Try supporting NPS with CES, which helps you uncover where customers struggle, and CSAT, which focuses on product satisfaction.
Sarah Jacob shares how great products need to be supplemented with excellent storytelling, messaging, value propositions, and go-to-market.
Gherkin, combined with behavior-driven development, are powerful. They provide guidance and clarity while reducing confusion.
A great design work pitch is one that thinks business, tells stories, and wins stakeholders over before they know it. In this blog, I help you draft a pitch that does just that.
Explore performance and features of VineJS and Zod for schema validation, with comparisons to other libraries like Yup.