We demonstrate how to implement pull-to-refresh and scroll-to-refresh functionality in a React Native application using a FlatList component.
Learn to manage React input state using controlled and uncontrolled components, onFocus and onBlur events, and third-party solutions.
Explore end-to-end type safety using Next.js, Prisma, and GraphQL by building a wishlist application that allows a user to bookmark items from the internet.
Kani is a Rust automated reasoning verification tool you can use to verify code written using AI code generators like ChatGPT.
Learn how to easily add animation to React components with a single line of code using the AutoAnimate library.
electron-vite brings Vite capabilities to Electron app development. See how to use it to build a simple Electron app with a React frontend.
Incorporate creative text flows in your webpage using CSS shape functions like `shape-outside` and `clip-path`.
errorLearn how to handle the ViewPropsType error in React Native in three different ways to avoid deprecation errors.
Use custom React Hooks like `useGlobalEvent` and the `resize` event to build a simple, resizable React component.
Generic associated types in Rust can help us address some of the language’s limitations and improve performance.
Learn about the Async Context API, currently a stage 2 ECMAScript proposal that stands to alter the future of server-side JavaScript.
We explore how to use Panda CSS to author CSS styles, including creating conditional styles, type-safe styles, and custom theming.