Explore the latest updates in Storybook 8, focusing on its improved support for Vite 5 as a build tool.
Quality assurance (QA) is a proactive approach to ensure your products or services meet defined quality standards and customer requirements.
Next.js 13 introduced some new features like support for Suspense, a React feature that lets you delay displaying a component until the children have finished loading.
There are several ways to configure CORS in Next.js. Let’s look at how to use the most critical headers to make your site more secure.
Progress bars help create a smooth UX during page transitions in your Next.js app, informing users that their request is processing.
Qwik’s focus on performance, innovative features, and commitment to DX make it a fantastic choice for building high-performance web apps.
Auth.js, formerly known as NextAuth.js, offers a secure authentication solution that supports OAuth providers and passwordless sign-in methods.
When writing applications, a good user interface is just as important as the actual app’s functionality. A good user interface […]
We’ll learn how to use Redux Toolkit (RTK) to create a frontend authentication workflow and user authentication in React.
Expo Router provides an excellent file-based routing solution with crucial features such as deep linking and native support.
In short, acceptance criteria serve as a checklist for determining whether a given ticket or user story has been fully delivered.
Explore how Superglue and Hotwire revolutionize frontend development with HTML over the wire, enhancing performance, flexibility, and ease of use.