Explore end-to-end type safety using Next.js, Prisma, and GraphQL by building a wishlist application that allows a user to bookmark items from the internet.
Kani is a Rust automated reasoning verification tool you can use to verify code written using AI code generators like ChatGPT.
Learn how to easily add animation to React components with a single line of code using the AutoAnimate library.
electron-vite brings Vite capabilities to Electron app development. See how to use it to build a simple Electron app with a React frontend.
Incorporate creative text flows in your webpage using CSS shape functions like `shape-outside` and `clip-path`.
errorLearn how to handle the ViewPropsType error in React Native in three different ways to avoid deprecation errors.
Use custom React Hooks like `useGlobalEvent` and the `resize` event to build a simple, resizable React component.
Generic associated types in Rust can help us address some of the language’s limitations and improve performance.
Learn about the Async Context API, currently a stage 2 ECMAScript proposal that stands to alter the future of server-side JavaScript.
We explore how to use Panda CSS to author CSS styles, including creating conditional styles, type-safe styles, and custom theming.
React Router Hooks like useParams, useNavigate, useLocation, and useMatch to provide developers with new ways to handle the router state.
Modals are an essential component of mobile app development. Learn how to build a custom scrolling modal with react-native-modalize.