Leverage services like AWS Lambda, CloudFront, and S3 to handle images more effectively, optimizing performance and providing a better UX.
Combine NeonDB, Prisma ORM, and Apollo Server within a serverless architecture to achieve a fully functional and scalable GraphQL API.
Learn two methods for adding custom fonts in a React Native app using Google Fonts to improve user experience.
Explore how and why you should use the react-native-view-shot library to implement screen capture in a React Native app.
In this article, we will walk you through building a customer feedback app using React Native and Firebase.
In this article, we will explore managing screen orientation in React Native apps and learn how to lock the screen orientation.
Learn about using Atomic Design with React Native apps — what it is and the role of each element that makes up the methodology as a whole.
React Native Contacts and Expo Contacts are both great tools for fetching and manipulating the contacts on a user’s device.
This piece will give you a basic understanding of the AppState tool and how to use it in a React Native app.
A little ding for a new notification, a “whoosh” sound for an email sent, or a crumbling noise for deleting files goes a long way toward improving the user experience of your React Native app.
Caching is a great way to solve issues associated with loading and rerendering images from remote endpoints. Learn two approaches to caching images in React Native.
Learn how to build a payment interface in React Native by interlinking web and native technologies using the PayPal SDK for JavaScript.