This guide investigates blockchain interoperability, how blockchains communicate and share data, and challenges for cross-chain applications.
Use two features of TypeScript 3.7: optional chaining and nullish coalescing, to write simple code without never-ending conditionals.
There are many static site generation tools based on React, but which should you pick? We explore the options available and their use cases.
interface in KotlinIn this article, you will learn about the Map interface in Kotlin as well as its usage and association with coding examples.
In this tutorial, we’ll go over common error messages during React development, as well as what they mean, what the error is, and how to fix them.
Is ESLint the best fit for your project? Learn about a few alternatives, and why they’re worth considering, in this comprehensive guide.
Explore different approaches to detect dead code in your frontend project that can be used interchangeably and in combination.
Learn the basics of pattern matching and enums in Rust, including error handling, handling null values, and more.
React Hooks can be easy to set up on your own, and you can use them to autofocus a field in a few ways.
Learn about the importance of design systems and how Style Dictionary can help your team ship products quickly and without confusion.
This comprehensive guide covers the relation and application of Solidity value types and reference types in smart contract development.
Memory leaks are often caused due to flaws in your logic. Avoiding all the possible leaks can significantly improve your application’s performance and save memory.