Tag: react

Creating a Lists PWA With React And Firebase

Creating a “Lists” PWA with React and Firebase


Our tutorial walks you through creating a PWA using React and Firebase.

Ovie Okeh
Oct 22, 2019 ⋅ 21 min read

How to use Algolia for instant search


We’ll learn how to implement Algolia InstantSearch into your application by building a movie search sample app.

Anjolaoluwa Adebayo-Oyetoro
Oct 16, 2019 ⋅ 6 min read

Popular React Hook libraries


In this post, we will look at popular React Hook libraries – both mainstream and custom (created by enthusiasts like you and me).

Raphael Ugwu
Oct 3, 2019 ⋅ 8 min read
Building A Photo Gallery App From Scratch With Chakra UI

Building a photo gallery app from scratch with Chakra UI


We build a complete photo gallery app from scratch and take Chakra UI for a spin for component styling.

Foysal Ahamed
Oct 2, 2019 ⋅ 18 min read
Creating A Full-Stack MERN App Using JWT Authentication

Creating a full-stack MERN application using JWT authentication: Part 3


In part three of our tutorial, we configure our client-side React app and authentication methods.

Praveen Kumar
Sep 30, 2019 ⋅ 22 min read
testing in react

Testing React applications in 2019


While testing can be a very controversial concept, something we can all agree on is testing is a very critical aspect of any product and it should be treated as such.

Peter Ekene Eze
Sep 19, 2019 ⋅ 6 min read
Using React Context with refs can help to rebuild your search user interface.

Redoing search UI with React Context and refs


Learn how to use React’s Context API with refs to create a centralized system for managing menu states and input focus in search interfaces.

Ryan Harris
Sep 12, 2019 ⋅ 5 min read
Building A Design System With Grommet

Building a design system with Grommet and Storybook


Design systems are more than a buzzword. Learn why they’re important and how to build your own.

Emmanuel Yusufu
Sep 12, 2019 ⋅ 6 min read

Simplifying state management in React apps with batched updates


In this post, we will take a closer look at the batched updates feature in React.

Peter Ekene Eze
Sep 10, 2019 ⋅ 5 min read
Creating A Full-Stack MERN App Using JWT Authentication

Creating a full-stack MERN app using JWT authentication: Part 2


In part two of our tutorial, we set up a REST API-based Express.js server.

Praveen Kumar
Aug 27, 2019 ⋅ 8 min read

React Spring vs Animated


In this post, we will look at some of the strengths and weaknesses of both React Spring and Animated.

Peter Ekene Eze
Aug 25, 2019 ⋅ 4 min read
The state of semantic jsx

The state of semantic JSX


In this article, we will be implementing accessibility features in React applications.

Obinna Ekwuno
Aug 23, 2019 ⋅ 6 min read