You need to understand your product and everything around it to be successful at your job. Discover some practical tips to help you become an expert in what your customers need.
Team autonomy is a style of managing and organizing teams in a way that they are given the autonomy to make decisions.
The Certified Scrum Master certification focuses on the scrum framework and understanding team accountabilities, scrum events, and artifacts.
Continuous learning is always a good idea. These twelve UX design courses can help kick-start or advance your UX career.
Transformational leadership centers on inspiring and motivating people to achieve a definitive, positive change that solves a bigger problem.
The Johari window is a psychological framework for identifying perceived attitudes, behavior, and habits of employees.
Secondment is a neat way to pilot a specific role or career without having to go all-in to it right away.
2023 is here, and so is a new slate of conferences and events. To help you plan, we’ve prepared a comprehensive list of product management conferences, both on-site and virtual.
Short-term goals are the goals you plan to achieve within three months. The term plans may differ according to company or product strategies.
In this article, we will deep dive into why product managers should have side projects and how they can help with your personal brand.
A few tactics can help you make the whole interview experience smoother while maximizing your chances of getting that dream UX role.
Good leaders are less interested in the how and more interested in pushing their team towards achieving the end goal.