Leonardo Losoviz
Apr 9, 2020 â‹… 7 min read

Speeding up changes to the GraphQL schema

Leonardo Losoviz Freelance developer and writer, with an ongoing quest to integrate innovative paradigms into existing PHP frameworks, and unify all of them into a single mental model.

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2 Replies to "Speeding up changes to the GraphQL schema"

  1. regarding discountedPrice example. I think create 2 different Product types instead of create 2 branches in discountedPrice in the same type is more clear to me. Because these 2 types of Products should belongs to 2 different Bounded Context(https://martinfowler.com/bliki/BoundedContext.html). As time goes on, the 2 branches will grow. It won’t look as simple as it was created at the beginning. And there will be more fields like discountedPrice in the Product type. The logic will be more verbose and might need to be decoupled. So I don’t think using the same discountedPrice to handle the requirements of tutorial team and workshop team is a good idea. Though this is a great post!

  2. Actually, i prefer multiple graphql layers to handle the issues in this post. there will be 2 graphql layers in companywide . the first layer just combine different data sources including: DB, RESTFul, etc. but don’t do any modification. the 2nd layer built on the 1st layer which is a BFF(https://www.infoq.com/presentations/graphql-bff/) layer which only service those front-ends.

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