Although TypeScript doesn’t have native pattern matching, its community has created several pattern matching libraries that offer more expressive and concise ways to perform pattern matching.
Explore how Figma can help bridge the gap between designers and developers, creating a more efficient handoff for both sides of the equation.
Help organize your user experiences in your React apps with stepper components, many of which are customizable.
Learn what monorepos are and the tools required for working with them for Next.js with this follow-along tutorial.
See how to build beautiful, customized data tables with PrimeReact. Add custom components and features like sorting and pagination.
The wide breadth and high expectations of the product management role lend themselves to impostor syndrome. Learn how to manage and overcome it.
In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the advantages the styled-components library has over the general StyleSheet manager in React Native.
Compare the React and Svelte ecosystems based on ease of use, developer popularity, server-side rendering, and more.
Explore OpenGL concepts like context, the frame buffer, the shaders programming, the whole events, and the event loop.
Manage large numbers in JavaScript using BigInt and popular third-party packages like Math.js, bignumber.js, and JS Big Decimal.
Use pre-built calendar components to create a customizable, shareable calendar that can display date-based data and capture date values from the user.
Review the performance benefits of lazy loading your React applications, then consider several libraries that make it easier than ever before to speed up the performance of your React app.