Generate custom email action links in Firebase to customize the verification and authentication emails automatically sent to users.
Choosing a styling option is dependent on many factors. Thankfully, Next.js offers built-in support for CSS in a variety of different ways.
Explore the OAuth 2.0 framework by developing our own overwritten implementation and testing it through a real API
Build your own custom alert message component to display errors, information, and success messages to your users.
Explore the best chart libraries in Vue according to their data integration, maintenance, and attractive designs.
Learn how to leverage multithreading in Flutter with Dart isolates for managing all of your repetitive background tasks.
Learn why and how to implement a proxy server with Create React App to secure and organize your next React app.
Let’s explore the advantages of the hybrid approach of using Svelte and D3 together for data visualization.
Solidity is an object-oriented programming language built solely for running smart contracts on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
Learn how to implement content sharing in Flutter applications using the Share Plus plugin to share images, text, and files between mobile applications.
This demo shows how to pass data and its state from a child component to its parent component in Vue.js using event emitters.
In this article, we’ll discuss how to use a JSON-RPC interface to access and interact with Ethereum blockchain data.