The use cases for the ResizeObserver API may not be immediately obvious, so let’s take a look at a few practical examples.
Use Axios to set request headers for enhanced API calls in browser environments, covering global and per-request headers.
Build a fully functional, real-time chat application using Laravel Reverb’s backend and Vue’s reactive frontend.
Use the `box-shadow` CSS property to create layered, neon, and neumorphic shadows in this detailed tutorial.
jQuery 4 proves that jQuery’s time is over for web developers. Here are some ways to avoid jQuery and decrease your web bundle size.
Building a design system is a complex but rewarding journey, and treating it as a product that serves other products is key to its success.
Web brutalism shuns convention for raw, bold style. Today, I discuss how it’s impacting modern web design.
Learn request memorization, data cache, full route cache, router cache, plus cache invalidation and tools for your Next.js project.
Choose the rendering technique for your Next.js application, whether it’s client-side rendering, server-side rendering, or pre-rendering.
Canva or Figma? In this blog, I research which tool fits your design needs for what — be it advanced interfaces or quick marketing assets.
Felix Del Resoario discusses how he leverages the co-creation model to tailor opportunities to individuals’ career paths on his team.
Build scalable microservices with Node.js and MongoDB, understanding architecture differences, real-time data syncing, and inter-service communication.