Learn how to manage asynchronous actions in React apps with Redux Toolkit, or a bare Redux implementation with custom middleware.
Take control of your PDFs in Node.js with pdf-lib, a useful tool for creating and modifying PDFs, designed to work in any JavaScript runtime.
Set up a GraphQL API in Node.js and use Apollo Client to manage state data locally in a frontend app with smooth integration.
Learn how Popper compares to Floating UI when choosing which tool to use when positioning floating elements.
Find out how Bulma and Tailwind CSS stack up against Bootstrap. Learn what developers find most compelling about each of these frameworks.
Develop games using Three.js, a 3D library that provides an easy way to load models, and allows users to play the game within their browser.
Create a Discord bot that can create a new Solana wallet, send and receive SOL, and check your balance with this in-depth tutorial.
Svelte improves on what made us love Vue to begin with, like high performance, a lightweight and familiar templating syntax, and an easy learning curve.
Explore Web3 functionality with Next.js and Moralis, the ultimate Web3 development platform, in this informative tutorial.
PHP got its reputation from somewhere. But the old, dark days of PHP v4 and earlier are way behind us.
In this tutorial, you can learn how to build a mobile application with Expo that will integrate with the Firebase authentication module.
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