Nwose Lotanna
Apr 26, 2023 ⋅ 6 min read

Accessing Vue.js properties globally with globalProperties

Nwose Lotanna Web Developer and Writer

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4 Replies to "Accessing Vue.js properties globally with <code>globalProperties</code>"

  1. The prototype member is not provided by Vue, it’s a basic JS language pattern. What this post suggests is generally called “monkey patching”. It’s quite convenient, but might break future implementations of the Vue object.

    If you really needed this you could consider namespacing: Extend the prototype by an object with a unique name which is unlikely to get implemented by others. Then add your extensions inside that object.

  2. Fully agree with this. Rather than saturating vue’s prototype with a heap of clutter, choose a single $ prefixed namespace and then dump all your extensions under that.

    vue.prototype.$myextension = {}
    vue.prototype.$myextension.$axios = …

    Otherwise, even with namespacing if you saturate the top level of the prototype, you’re bound to run into a collision eventually.

  3. Hi, this is very interesting. I have a question. I am developing dynamic content via templates at runtime.

    What this does is to receive any template, however those with bindings don’t work as it gives a ref error. How can I make this be able to see the ‘global’ state in the ‘$data’ attribute. For example my template might have {{ number }}, currently im getting number undefined. So I just want the component to have access to the global state to pick this up.

    Vue.component(“renderstring”, {
    props: {
    string: {
    required: true,
    type: String
    render(h) {
    const self = this
    const render = {
    template: “” + this.string + “”,
    return h(render)

    Thanks a lot. #FoundThisCodeOnTheNet

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