webpack’s Module Federation allows you to easily share code and dependencies between applications, helpful in micro-frontend architecture.
Let’s explore webpack, its history, and how it works to help you decide if it’s the right tool to adopt for your next JavaScript project.
We explore Rspack, compare its performance to webpack, and demonstrate how to migrate from webpack to Rspack.
We explore how to build custom SWC plugins using Rust and then use them in webpack-based projects to speed up our builds.
Learn about Turbopack, a new, Rust-based, Vercel-backed incremental bundler optimized for your JavaScript and TypeScript projects.
Explore different approaches to detect dead code in your frontend project that can be used interchangeably and in combination.
Few tools have been as central and important to the JavaScript ecosystem as webpack. Learn how Snowpack and webpack stack up.
Webpack performs out-of-the-box tree shaking when compiling multiple JSON files into a single one. Here’s how and why you should use it.
SWC is faster than webpack and Babel. If you’ve already bootstrapped your project with those tools, here’s how you can to SWC tooling.
Here, we’ll explain tree shaking and code splitting in webpack and discuss how to combine them for the most optimal bundle possible.
Increase the flexibility of your app’s CSS components with CSS Modules and Webpack in this handy tutorial and demo app build.
Learn how you can simplify app architecture by using webpack 5’s Module Federation to consume and share micro-frontend components with a Vue.js example.