NAPI-RS is a great module-building tool for image resizing, cryptography, and more. Learn how to use it with Rust and Node.js.
Learn request memorization, data cache, full route cache, router cache, plus cache invalidation and tools for your Next.js project.
Build scalable microservices with Node.js and MongoDB, understanding architecture differences, real-time data syncing, and inter-service communication.
Build a REST API with Node.js, Express, and MySQL. This guide covers database setup, routing, and CRUD operations for backend development.
This guide explores all of the options you have for reading and writing JSON files in Node.js, including third-party packages like jsonfile.
Discover some of the best Node.js web scraping libraries, including Axios and Superagent, and techniques for how to use them.
Explore performance and features of VineJS and Zod for schema validation, with comparisons to other libraries like Yup.
Node.js v22.5.0 introduced a native SQLite module, which is is similar to what other JavaScript runtimes like Deno and Bun already have.
Use Playwright Extra, which provides plugins for CAPTCHA solving, proxy management, and stealth browser features.
Convert plaintext passwords into password hashes using the bcrypt library to protect sensitive user information.
Consider using UUID alternatives `cuid2` and `nanoid` when generating unique identifiers in your Node.js app for more security.
Use Chocolatey to install packages and software and deploy packages right from the Windows terminal.