Sanjay Modi discusses his role in leading a website security product portfolio through drastically changing customer needs.
The acronym SDK stands for software development kit. It contains platform-specific tools to run and develop software.
If you think about some of the businesses that market familiarity as a selling point, you actually don’t get negative vibes from them at all.
To maintain operations during disruptions, you must establish, implement, and constantly improve your BCM practices.
Max Wesman details the challenges of scaling his business past its initial market of SMBs to larger customers.
To help you demonstrate a plan for your product goals and report on your progress, you can use a Gannt chart.
Ghazal Badiozamani discusses how she organizes her product teams around goals and OKRs, empowering them to experiment to move those metrics.
Continuous learning is a perpetual process of honing skills and information throughout one’s professional career.
The endowment effect is a psychological quirk where people place higher value on things simply because they own them.
Kevin Morris talks about the importance of not overly focusing on the inward-facing components of product management.
While running a sprint planning ceremony is pretty straightforward, a lot of work goes into the planning both before and during the ceremony.
Sam Schulte, Vice President, Product Engineering at Inspirato, talks about the delicate balance between innovation and scale.