Making your React apps available in several languages is essential. Follow along to learn how to translate your React apps with Format.js.
The COLRv1 font format can be used for custom CSS typography in web projects, providing the power of custom color fonts to meet design needs.
react-snap is a third-party library that pre-renders a web application into static HTML, offering improvements to loading speed and SEO.
Explore a variety of JSON tools to help improve your productivity, including JSON Crack and JSON Schema.
Some developers prefer the stability and more universal character of Sass over the novelty of styled-components. But if you’re willing to climb the steeper learning curve, styled-components offers more in the way of reusability and customization.
Use Solito to easily transition your React Native app into a Next.js site and vice versa without sacrificing the native navigation experience.
Tabby is a modern alternative to traditional command-line apps like PowerShell, iTerm, and macOS Terminal, providing users with an entirely customizable terminal.
In this article, we’ll discover the purpose of signals and learn about signal handling in the Rust programming language.
Learn how to use slots in Vue.js, including multiple and named slots, scoped slots, and slots in renderless components.
Deploying a BaaS tool allows developers to focus on writing and maintaining frontend. Examine Firebase and Supabase and their strengths in authentication, storage, and hosting.
A dropdown menu consists of four basic components: the header wrapping, header title, list wrapping, and list items.
Lerna is faster than most tools available in the monorepo space. The new Lerna also allows integration with Prettier and pnpm, which reduce redundancy and improve usability for large monorepo projects.