Jeremias Menichelli
Oct 24, 2023 â‹… 10 min read

A complete guide to React refs

Jeremias Menichelli Curious mind, writer, and developer.

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11 Replies to "A complete guide to React refs"

  1. Thanks for this article, Jeremias. I use `useRef` and `createRef` extensively with my React code, which is entirely function, not class based, and extensively using Hooks. I’ve examined some `forwardRef` code and found it insanely complex and confusing so just used `window.###` functions instead.

  2. Little typo in the last sample, should be

    export default React.forwardRef(LabelledInput)

  3. The section about memory leaks seems a bit strange to me. Do you have sources that support your claim or explain why elements won’t be garbage collected when the component unmounts?
    If the component unmounts, it will be garbage collected eventually and subsequently any object that was referenced by the component (given there is no other reference to that element outside the component).

    More generally, I would assume that anything I put in a ref (and don’t reference anywhere else) will be garbage collected after the component un-mounts and is itself garbage collected.

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