Yomi Eluwande
Dec 18, 2023 â‹… 11 min read

How to test React Hooks

Yomi Eluwande JavaScript developer. Wannabe designer and Chief Procrastinator at Selar.co and worklogs.co.

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10 Replies to "How to test React Hooks"

  1. good article, concise summary on the basics & tooling for react hook-component testing. thanks! how do you stub HTTP requests? for example, is there a way to intercept the fetch requests going into the first Formula 1 app on mount use effect hook?

  2. It is just for testing simple react hooks function that you can get from anywhere. You haven’t added Testing for async hook component. :disappointed:

  3. Nice Article! Can you please tell if there is any way to override the default value of the useState(0). For example if I initially want to render the counter using the value 1 instead of 0?

  4. This article and the react addition of hooks makes me want to throw up. If you add state to a pure function, *that function is no longer pure*!! If you add effects to the function, *it is not a pure function!!!*

    The reason this is hard to test is *because* the functions are no longer pure once you do this! There’s a huge amount of context that has to exist for that function to work, none of which is a passed in argument! You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

  5. In the example with Testing async Hook functions I am getting the following error
    Timed out in waitForNextUpdate after 1000ms.

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