Figma is a cloud-based design and prototyping tool that allows you to create designs for websites and mobile apps; we learn how to convert Figma designs into Next.js code by using Tailwind CSS.
In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to use Next.js with TypeScript to build high-quality, search-optimized, and predictable apps.
Using next-csrf, SameSite cookies, and more, learn more about how to prevent and protect against CSRF attacks in Next.js.
Learn what monorepos are and the tools required for working with them for Next.js with this follow-along tutorial.
This lesson covers how to optimize the font loading experience in a Next.js project as well as how to add custom and Google fonts.
Learn how to set up, test, and deploy a rate limiter in a Next.js app using a Redis client. Manage the number of requests to your server.
In the fast-paced world of web development, security has become a major concern for developers and businesses alike. With the […]
Next.js and Angular are both popular JavaScript frameworks for developing web applications. Let’s compare their features, use cases, and more.
Learn how to use Next.js Router events to create a progress bar indicator and then customize the loader with styling and animation.
Learn how creating an application with Next.js, Tailwind, and Storybook allows you to leverage the benefits of component-driven development.
In this article, we will take a closer look at how you can simplify the implementation of authentication in Next.js by using AWS Amplify.
You can use Jotai in Next.js projects to share and manage states across your application using a bottom-up approach.